Breathe In With Danny

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Why Is Breathing Through Your Mouth Bad?

Biomechanically and physiologically speaking, people should breathe through their noses. It’s a mechanism that evolved millions of years ago to allow us to inhale and eat food at the same time without choking. 

Unfortunately, this apparatus can sometimes go wrong. Even though nature intended us to breathe through our noses, we sometimes wind up breathing through our mouths instead.

You might think that’s no problem. After all, you’re still breathing. But it turns out that mouth breathing has some pretty nasty consequences.

The Negative Consequences Of Mouth Breathing (And Why You Should Avoid It)

For starters, mouth breathing is a leading cause of bad breath. The constant inhalation and exhalation of air changes the balance of bacteria, leading to revolting odors. 

It can also cause snoring. When you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose at night, it is more likely to rattle the windpipe. 

It can even change your facial structure. People with long-term mouth breathing develop droopy eyes, elongated faces, double chins, narrow nostrils, and difficulty sealing their lips at rest. 

What Can You Do To Prevent Mouth Breathing?

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent mouth breathing

For instance, you can try various exercises. Start by setting a timer, closing your mouth, and then trying to breathe through your nose for two minutes straight. At first, you may find you need to force air in and out. However, it should get easier with time. The goal is to make nose breathing habitual – something you do automatically. 

You can also try nasal breathing during exercise. Here, you get on a treadmill or bicycle and consciously breathe through your nose while you move. Increasing the air volume traveling through your nostrils helps clear them and makes it easier to pass large volumes of air through the nasal cavity. 

Keep exercise light and then build up to more intense sessions. If you go too hard, too soon, you won’t be able to get enough air through your nose, risking you returning to mouth breathing. 

Zen Breathing 

Lastly, try using a Zen breathing technique based on ancient practices from China and Japan. This method trains your mind to breathe properly so you can avoid mouth breathing entirely. 

The way it works is pretty simple. Find a comfortable upright seating position and then breathe in through your diaphragm. Make sure the stomach extends out in front of you like a pot belly. Avoid letting your chest heave upwards and outwards. 

Next, concentrate on breathing through your nose. Allow the air to pass through until your lungs are full before releasing it. Continue this practice for as long as your meditation session lasts.

To get full instruction, sign up to Breathe with Danny sessions and eliminate your annoying mouth-breathing forever!