Breathe In With Danny

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Nasal Breathing

I tape my mouth shut when I sleep, and my wife could not be happier about it.  After countless sore shoulders from elbows dropped by my wife to stop the awful sound of my snoring, I was finally willing to try anything.  I tried expensive mouthpieces, nasal strips, and even a spray, but nothing worked.  The CPAP machine was like a monster I was running from, and it was getting closer.  One day I came across James Nestor’s book, Breath, about how important the way we breathe is, and it focused heavily on the benefits of nasal breathing.  One of the benefits is how much more efficient nose breathing is when it comes to avoiding the obstruction of the tongue.  I trusted this man for the same reason I hope you trust me; the way he recommended ensuring we breathe through our nose is by using a piece of medical tape.  Mr. Nestor nor I own a medical tape company.  Sure, it took me time to get used to having a bit of tape over my mouth, and I certainly look ridiculous; however, the juice is worth the squeeze.  Eliminating my snoring was just the beginning of how proper nasal breathing has enhanced my life.

Our nasal airways are so complex that merely utilizing them to breathe causes our body to produce nitric oxide.  An article on written by Gavin Van De Walle states nitric oxide is responsible for improving erectile dysfunction, muscle soreness, blood pressure, endurance, and managing sugar levels.  As someone who likes to exercise, I figured I had to wake up to urinate throughout the night so much because I was so hydrated; once I began nasal breathing at night, sleeping through the night became the norm.  This is because nitric oxide inhibits the micturition reflex (need to pee reflex).  NO also relaxes the urethra allowing for easier and more efficient urination.  An article published by The American Urological Association written by Hideaki Ono states, “In the lower urinary tract, nitric oxide (NO) is well known as a relaxation factor in the urethra. On the other hand, in the central nervous system, NO is reported to have both inhibitory and facilitatory effects on the micturition reflex.”  

Now is when I tell you about the BEST DAMN MOUTH TAPE MONEY CAN BUY! BREATHE IN WITH DANNY MAZIN MOUTH TAPE!  HAHA, just messing around; find a way to breathe through your nose, and you’ll be happier and healthier.