Breathe In With Danny

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Wim Hof Method®

My bullshit meter went crazy when I first came across this man from the Netherlands jumping into frozen lakes, doing breathing exercises and yoga, claiming that everyone can increase their happiness and health by doing the same.  It was one of those things that's too good to be true.  Although I was skeptical, I could not deny the allure of this human being, so I read Scott Carney’s book about his time with Wim Hof, “What Doesn't Kill Us.”  The book began with Carney being just as skeptical as I was; however, it concluded with the author following Wim to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in nothing but his shorts. Oh, did I mention they also reached the peak at world record speed?  Whatever the Wim Hof Method® was, I wanted in.  I assumed there would be an expensive course or program to participate in and learn this method, yet once again, I was pleasantly surprised by the man they call the Iceman; the vast majority of the method is free online.

In modern society, we have become so disconnected from nature in the wild and our bodies’ nature that the ability to tap into our nervous and endocrine system has been lost.  Wim Hof welcomes examination from the science community, touting that it will only support his claims.  At the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, professor of experimental intensive care medicine Dr. Peter Pickkers and his team have performed research on "Iceman" Wim Hof. Hof claims he can influence his autonomic nervous system and immune response through concentration and meditation.  In simpler terms, they injected Hof with a toxin similar to E.Coli to study if his method could ward off symptoms.  The results obtained are remarkable. Dr. Pickkers states, 

After endotoxin administration, the stress hormone cortisol increase in Hof was much more pronounced than other healthy volunteers. We know that this hormone is released in response to increased autonomic nervous system activity and that it suppresses the immune response. In accordance, the levels of inflammatory mediators in Hof's blood were much lower. On average, Hof's immune response was decreased by 50 percent compared to other healthy volunteers. In addition, hardly any flu-like symptoms were observed.

These findings reinforced my belief that following the Wim Hof Method has improved my immune system because I have felt vibrant, and I have not been sick since I began the practice.

The benefits to my immune system have been explained but why have I been riding on cloud nine since I began doing the breathing exercises and cold showers every morning?  The enhanced mood and patience I had for everyday life were undeniable.  Dr. Andrew Huberman, host of Huberman Lab Podcast, explains why these practices have profoundly affected my life.  Dr. Huberman states, 

Deliberate cold exposure causes a significant release of epinephrine (aka adrenaline) and norepinephrine (aka noradrenaline) in the brain and body. These neurochemicals make us feel alert and can make us feel agitated and as if we need to move or vocalize during the cold exposure. Cold causes their levels to stay elevated for some time, and their ongoing effect after the exposure is to increase your level of energy and focus, which can be applied to other mental and/or physical activities.

To experience joy alone is enjoyable but to share it with others is to be happy;  this is why I have become a Wim Hof Certified Instructor. As a result of the method, I am happier, healthier, and stronger. I want these outcomes for everyone.