Polar heart rate sensor
casey altman casey altman

Polar heart rate sensor

Our heart rate is a powerful indication of our state of being, both mentally and physically. Your heart rate will undoubtedly increase if you just ran sprints or narrowly missed a car accident. Why does our breath rate increase during exercise, and how can we tap into this process? We are often put in stressful situations outside our control; however, breathwork practice allows us to tap into how our body responds to these stressful situations.

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Breathing for Golf
casey altman casey altman

Breathing for Golf

What is the likelihood of you scoring your personal best after eighteen holes of golf if you had to use a different set of clubs each hole?  Every detail matters in this game of extreme precision; however, people who care deeply about their golf performance leave our bodies’ most important function up to chance, breathing.

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Aha! Moment
casey altman casey altman

Aha! Moment

You don’t have to dive into breathing the way I have, but if you begin tuning into how you breathe, you will see significant improvements. Join me on this journey and start living your best life!

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casey altman casey altman


Human beings are constantly adapting; it is undeniable. How do you harness your adaptive superpowers? If you do not actively participate in the process, your environment will dictate how your body adapts to stress.

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Wim Hof Method®
Daniel Massa Daniel Massa

Wim Hof Method®

I first came across this man from the Netherlands jumping into frozen lakes, doing breathing exercises and yoga, claiming that everyone can increase their happiness and health by doing the same.  It was one of those things that's too good to be true. 

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Nasal Breathing
Daniel Massa Daniel Massa

Nasal Breathing

I tape my mouth shut when I sleep, and my wife could not be happier about it.

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Cold Exposure
casey altman casey altman

Cold Exposure

Taking cold showers can boost our dopamine levels by up to 2.5 times our baseline with a gradual increase that takes up to three hours to return, with no crash or dependency.

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How to work out and enjoy it.
Daniel Massa Daniel Massa

How to work out and enjoy it.

Before we exercise, increasing our respiratory and heart rate, we must correct our breathing form, so the difficult task of working out consistently is not only achievable but even enjoyable.

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I can’t stay focused.
casey altman casey altman

I can’t stay focused.

Nine out of ten people fail to use their diaphragm when they breathe; this causes a shallow breath that does not reach the lower part of the lungs, where O2 can enter the bloodstream. These shallow breaths are responsible for causing many problems such as increased heart rate, cortisol levels, impulsiveness, and lack of focus, many of the same symptoms as ADHD.

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Out of Breath With Flames in The Air
danny massa danny massa

Out of Breath With Flames in The Air

Breathing is something we all do automatically, and it is often something we take for granted. However, for firefighters, proper breathing can be the difference between life and death.

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Breathe In With Danny
danny massa danny massa

Breathe In With Danny

If “fatigue makes cowards of us all,” as famously quoted by Hall of Fame Coach Vince Lombardi then “catching our breath” makes us heroes.

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